Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Woo to the Hoo Wednesday

Blogging just hasn't been my thing lately. Not sure why, but I haven't felt like boring you with my NOT exciting, mundane life. I could have told you about my hubs wrecked car, or my little Nieci who has cherry eye in both eyes, or my daughter telling me her favorite show is CSI or Jake telling me he now wants to be a Policeman.....sigh.....but I didn't cuz I still want you all to be my friends....I need you.....

So, I decided to post a WTTH post. Cuz it's quick, easy and painless....and might be just a little boring?

Here's my WTTH post for this week!

I ♥ Lime Coke from Sonic! It can't be from anywhere else! Not even DQ....they try but it doesn't quite cut it. I know I've got some girlz out there (my BFF's) who feel the same way! You know who you are!

If you haven't tried one, run, now to your nearest Sonic!!!

I can't believe I just wasted my time and yours on Lime Coke from Sonic....Hee anyone out there? Are you still reading this....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I ♥ Faces...Wonder

I love this website...I ♥ Faces...I entered the contest this week for "Wonder".

This is my daughter Maeci meeting her new baby cousin, The Boy, for the first time.

Isn't he cute?

Now, click on the link above and enter your cute photo! : )


Publish Post

Wordless Wednesday...My Babies...Maeci & Nieci

Monday, February 16, 2009


Hi sweet friends! I just wanted to apologize for being an awful bloggy friend!!! I haven't commented on several of your blogs for so so long!

Please don't be mad and if you are mad, just don't tell me! I'm an emotional person but pretty good about holding it in. If I suspect you all might be upset, it could throw me over the edge and in turn would make me weepeth. I would rather not cry because I don't do well with snot AT ALL! Just keepin it real.

So, I'm sorry, I will hopefully be back soon when I have something worth blogging about and when I can sit and catch up with each of your lives! Just didn't want any of you to think I've forgotten about our virtual friendships! It's so funny, we've never met but I think about you all the time!

Hugs!!! xoxo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Woo to the Hoo Wednesday

We're here to say goodbye to a cherished friend: Reba, the hamster. Reba was a good hamster. She was a fine listener, always willing to put a smile on the face of my little Moo. (Even though she made it hard to sleep at night with her gnawing on the sides of the cage and running a marathon on that squeaky wheel)....she will be sadly missed. (I won't miss cleaning that cage!) Moo would put her in her little hamster ball and let her roam around....the cat loved that...said with EVIL laugh!

So...Reba, the hamster was laid to rest this morning. Well, not really, she's laying very still in her cage which is still in my daughters room because I couldn't bring myself to carry her downstairs out to to the garage.

So...I sent a text to Mr. Mom and told him to PLEASE have the hamster G.O.N.E. when I get home. I loved that little rodent and didn't mind holding her but seeing her laying there made me sick....cuz now she's just a rodent. Ugh! I know that sounds harsh but I'm just keepin' it real.

Anyway....Reba is gone...Moo was sad for a moment this morning but she's one that takes death very easy. I'm not sure why. She doesn't cry, she wants to talk about it but doesn't really get upset.

I wish I had a picture to share with you all but I don't. Just close your eyes and think "fat fuzzy teddy bear hamster"....there, can you see her?

So, my Woo to the Hoo goes to Reba for keeping Moo critter happy for almost a year! I'm going to make myself clear right now...are you listening.....WE ARE NOT GETTING ANOTHER ONE!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Blogger Alert....

My girlfriend Tammy has been sucked into our world...Blog World! You can find her by clicking on her name. Her first post was a Wordless Wednesday post. Please show her some love! We need to get her moving on posting and joining in the fun! I know you all can help me!!

Thanks!!! xo

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Woo to the Hoo Wednesday and it goes to....

My Twitter, Blogger, Facebooker, Texter friend Feather, yes it's her real name, started the Woo to the Hoo craze! So, please join me, click on her name and give your own Woo to the Hoo to someone/something deserving....all the cool kids are doing it!

My Grandpa!!! My sister, Sheli, did a wonderful tribute to our Grandmother yesterday. If you haven't read it, you should, but make sure you have kleenex or a'll need it. So..I thought I would give my Woo to the Hoo button to my Papa for taking care of our Grandma.

Ray, aka Papa, is kind, gentle, patient (although that is being tested these days), hard working, loving, heart of gold, honest, positive...I could go on and on. He taught me (all of us) to have love in our hearts for all, he taught us to pray and to have faith in God, to work hard, be responsible for your actions and always be honest and kind and "don't sweat the small stuff". Every day is a beautiful day to Papa and he always tells us (when we are on the phone with him) that we are "lookin' good"! And there's nothin' better than getting a Papa pat on the back....he pats your back and says "I appreciate you dear"...sigh...I love him.

I (we) all love him so much for who he is and for how he is taking care of our Grandma, aka GiGi, Granny. Their life together is a TRUE love story from beginning to end. Grandma has dementia and is not doing so well these days. She still has spunk and we can still make her giggle (which I love!) and she has so much love for her family! And, the most beautiful blue eyes you've ever seen!

Ok, back to Papa...he has given Grandma the best care. It is clear how deep their love is when he looks at her. He still tells her she's beautiful, tells her he loves her all the time, hugs, pats, opens doors, helps her eat and so many other personal things.

So, Woo to the Hoo to Papa for his loving care!!!

Love you, Papa!!!

Papa & Grandma

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 4's Pet Contest

I just posted that I entered a photo contest, The Eyes Have It, and now I'm entering the Pet contest. So, check out the post before this post only because I don't want you to miss Gabby's cuteness not because I don't want you to miss my fine pitcher takin' skills!

I'm not sure that this constitutes as a pet BUT some people have pet pigs, I'm sure they do, maybe......

Here's the link again for you "iHeartFaces", go enter!



The Eyes Have It...

Do you like taking pictures just for fun or do you take them likes it's your job....cuz it IS your job? I take them just for fun but I do take them "like it's my job" because I ♥ taking pictures! Now whether they are good or not, that's a good question......but it's still fun and I'm makin' memories!

I entered the Week 4's contest... The Eyes Have It!

Join me and enter your fun picture at iHeartFaces!

This is my girlfriend, Nicole's, daughter Gabrielle, Gabby or Gabs, as we like to call her. Isn't she cute??

So, head over to iHeartFaces and enter!!
