Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Not So Wordless Wednesday

I know this is supposed to be Wordless Wednesday but I need to make one small comment. I feel like I pulled you all wayyyyy up and then let you down hard! These did NOT turn out like I had planned so please forgive me BUT I believe that if you look real close, that you will see the faintest outline of said THONG...and you can see the soft as a babies behind legs....

I mean, for PETE'S SAKE, for all of our sakes, you can soooo tell it's a thong...I just wish you all could see what I saw right OUTLOUD with my very own two eyes!!!!!!

Not not attractive...I'm feeling sick..............and again I apologize. Please don't leave my blog feeling like you were mislead....tee hee


  1. Ok, that is just gross, but I guess I was one of the millions that asked if you actually got a picture of it. Thanks for not letting us down. you are too funny!

  2. No ma'am, not a let down at all. That's just as you said. Thanks for the pic...I think. Love and miss you!!!

  3. The proof is in the pudding, huh? or the baby oiled thong wearing senior citizen.

  4. Lord. i need to know what he was thinkin?! and for some reason i feel like i need to see his face now too. think he'll be at the next bball game? could you get a front shot? lol

  5. Oh my...yucko!! I have my grandparents or parents never do stuff like this!!

  6. I'm going to be ill. Are you sure that's not Dad?

  7. I believe I now know him a bit too much. Yuck, i have been violated! Brave to take the pictures, girl!

  8. OMG!! That is hilarous!! and gross!!!

  9. bwahahaaha
    and you know what the grossest part of it all is?????

    I clicked on the pic to ENLARGE IT!



    guess what??

    I clicked on BOTH of them. HOw GROSS is that??? rofl

  10. i just had to come back to look at the picture again, and


    oh my gosh, I died laughing at myself too.

    See how easily amused I am. I can entertain myself.! LOL

  11. Thong or no thong it is just plain wrong. Gross, white should be outlawed for some.

  12. i'm guilty of coming back for a second peep myself. ok, a third. i admit it. but its like a train wreck! you can't look away!!!!!!

  13. If a man is going to wear a thong at least let him be some gorgeous buff hotness man! Like if Brad Pitt wore a thong...HUBBA HUBBA! :)


  14. Ok, from behind this guy totally looks like a woman.
    But that's besides the point. Why in Gods name would a man wear a thong????
    Oh my gosh, seriously it's like a bad car crash, you just can't look away.
    I'm with Marchelle, I so need to see a picture of his face. :-)

  15. Oh my goodness! Mother Goose cracks me up enlarging the picture!

  16. Mother Goose you are not right! And Marchelle, you did NOT come back to look again!

    Shel - It is not Dad! If he ever thought about even trying one on...oh I just threw up in my mouth.

    All of these comments are cracking me up! I'm totally going to try and get a picture of his front side in the next couple of weeks! Surely, he'll show up again!

  17. Shel's comment made me laugh RIGHT out LOUD!!! Oh, and yea, I'm back for a second peek too. How sick are we?

  18. oh so not attractive!!! Thanks for the laugh!

  19. Ang - stop looking! It may hurt your eyes! LOL! You people ARE sick!

  20. I'm back...somebody stop me!!!!! I'm blind, I'm blind!

    Are you SURE its not dad? (I too vomited)

  21. When your husband starts worrying about panty lines, it's time for you to start worrying about him.

  22. can I just say "eeeeeeew!"

    that is wrong on so many levels. and nice incognito photo taking skills you have there! ;)

  23. roflrfol, i mean seriously Laughing here!!!

    your sisters have me dying!

    My curiosity is so peaked!! WHAT the heck???

    why are they asking if that is YOUR DAD!!!!!????

    oh, i can barely see my key board!!! ::wipes tears from eyes::

  24. You are so

  25. I am soooo buying Dad white shorts for Christmas (you can buy the thong! Bwaa haaa haaa...) The scary thing is he's crazy enough to try wearing them just to gross us out!

    I really am going to be sick! Get these visions out of my head. I'm gonna go find the Pepto.

  26. ok you have some mad "photographing strangers" skills. I periodically post pics of unsuspecting folks as well. super fun.

    The guy in the shorts? Super gross! I clicked on the pics too, I'm embarrassed to say!

    Btw, I love your blog!

  27. I'm speechless and can't take my eyes off it.

  28. camel toe of the BUTT.
    and his butt looks deformed somehow. wow, you know i have this weird problem where i picture people naked. it has nothing to do with looks, size, etc. i just picture EVERYONE naked okay? i can't help it. anyhow, the thought of that weird butt naked gives me this cold spine-shiver and an emptiness in my gut.

  29. i just enlarged it!! hehe. what does that say about me??

  30. I think I just threw up. YUCK


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