Monday, February 16, 2009


Hi sweet friends! I just wanted to apologize for being an awful bloggy friend!!! I haven't commented on several of your blogs for so so long!

Please don't be mad and if you are mad, just don't tell me! I'm an emotional person but pretty good about holding it in. If I suspect you all might be upset, it could throw me over the edge and in turn would make me weepeth. I would rather not cry because I don't do well with snot AT ALL! Just keepin it real.

So, I'm sorry, I will hopefully be back soon when I have something worth blogging about and when I can sit and catch up with each of your lives! Just didn't want any of you to think I've forgotten about our virtual friendships! It's so funny, we've never met but I think about you all the time!

Hugs!!! xoxo


  1. Sounds like me! Last week I was an aweful bloggy friend...too much going on all the time! Miss you too!

  2. Do not apologize, we all have busy lives and we are not going to be mad or upset if you fail to leave us a comment! I do miss you though ;)

  3. how dare you let life get in the way of blogging! (j/k, but you know that!) life and family come first

  4. The nice thing about blogging is that it's your blog and you can blog whenever you want!!!1

  5. Life has been crazy....we are always "here"!
    -sandy toe

  6. You are missed, but I totally understand:)

  7. Totally get it. Don't worry about it, it's no fun if you feel pressure to blog when you're not up to it.

  8. I weepeth at the thoughteth ofeth myeth sistereth snoteth. Grosseth!

  9. u sound like me, life gets busy doesn't it.

  10. No worries, I was just saying the same thing about NOT commenting..I mean LIFE...that gets in the way right...Glad to hear you are OK and ((HUGS)) ((STICK FIGURE)) right back at ya!!!

  11. No biggie Keli hurry back soon! :)

  12. Hey, ya gotta live the real deal every once in a while!! Looking forward to your next post.

  13. I forgive you. there arre a few of us that seem to be going through it (whatever "it" is... Hurry back, I miss you ♥ Leah

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the hug ")

    Your blog is very cute! I am looking forward to following ")


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