First of all I need to back up a little. Thanksgiving day was wonderful. We spent the day at my Dad's (aka Pop) with the family. Dinner was delicious. After dinner, we spent the evening going through the ads for all the bargains on Black Friday. Then we took a trip out to Walmart for a few items that night. It was a great day.
I stayed up until midnight getting ready for Black Friday. I had to get my "shopping purse" ready! Gotta be hands free! I then proceeded to put my ads in order. Finally, ready for bed. I felt like I had just laid down when I hear that dreaded sound...beep beep beep, which really sounded like a shrill scream at 1:45 AM! Ugh! But I had to get up, shower and leave my house by 2:45 AM. I did it and I was only 10 minutes late to meet my 3 crazy friends. This was our 12th year together. We shop and shop! I got home at 12:30 that night....21 hours of shopping!! It was great but I could sure feel my age. I'm sure we'll still be partaking in Black Friday when we are old and gray!
I slept in till 9:00 am on Saturday. I woke up and couldn't wait to get ready for the day! My girlfriend (Ang - Davisix Fix) from S. Carolina was in town! You all have no idea how I've missed her! We met a couple of years ago. We didn't click right away, I thought she was a snob and she thought I was a snob! And we both are so NOT snobby! After a couple of talks we hit it off! Been great friends ever since and then she moved away! I cried and cried! Anyway, she's here! So, we met at another friends house (Brandi - LarsenQuad) and had a great time! Plus another bloggy friend (Miranda-Traveling Treasures) also was invited to hang out! And my cousin (Marchelle - Chronicles of a Working Mom) came over to hang with us too! She took the pictures and they turned out great as usual! And she's my neighbor! How cool is that?!
What a wonderful way to spend the day....with friends! We had Thanksgiving dinner all over again and the kids played ( 11 of them) and we talked and laughed. 10 hours or so of laughing and talking! But it came time to say goodbye. And I cried....
Ang - We miss you all so much already! Love you!
Brandi - We had so much fun and thank you for having us over to hang out! I miss you too! : )
Miranda- It was awesome finally meeting you and your beautiful family! And how cool that we live 1 street away from each other! It's a small world!
Here we are all together... Angie, Keli, Brandi and Miranda.

I will post a few more photos later. I need to share them with the girls first!
I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a bargain filled Black Friday!
xoxo - Keli