Late December back in '63. What a very special time for me, 'Cause I remember what a night.....this is one of my favorite tunes....But, it was not 1963 nor was it a special time for me or anyone else in the family! Man oh man was it an awful night! This all took place last night.
Everything was quiet and normal until 10:00 p.m. Maeci and I headed to bed at 9:00, Mr. Mom was bowling with his league buddies and Jake was out with friends. Awww...quiet....then I was suddenly shookin', shakin', russeled, jarred awake by...Keli, Keli, KELI....I'm taking Jake to the ER. WHAT??? The ER...huh? He has a nosebleed that will not stop and has been bleeding for about an hour.
OMG! You all should have seen it...or not. It was kinda NASTAY! I flew out of bed and headed for the kids literally looked like someone had slit their wrists. The sink was full of blood and Jake was hanging over the sink and oh my was just pouring out. I'm gathering old towels for the ride to the ER and gagging because of all the blood. And if you will recall from past posts...I am not a nurse! I'm sorry if this is grossing you out but I just had to tell someone!
I also want to say they we have dealt with nosebleeds with him for a very long time. It's always around this time of the year because of the dry weather and change in season. But never this severe. So, Mr. Mom took him to the ER.
I dozed a little while waiting and they returned home around midnight. The ER doc put a tube up his nose and it had a balloon on the end which they proceeded to blow up. The balloon applys pressure to the artery which in turn stops the bleeding. The tube hangs out the nose and is taped to his cheek. Plus they gave him vicodin for the remember this was just a bloody nose. Jake heads to bed, Mr. Mom heads to the drugstore for an antibiotic and more vicodin.
I go back to sleep thinking Jake is now resting peacefully. Why did I think that??? I'm not sure but he was NOT sleeping and was anything but peaceful! At about 4:00 a.m., we hear coughing and crying. I once again flew to his 17 yr old boy is doubled over in agony! I start to cry because I'm all emotional like that and can not stand to see my child or anyone in pain.
This balloon in his nose has made his nose so swollen, he was having trouble breathing and swallowing. Ugh! Vicodin is not helping this "discomfort"???? That is what the ER doc told me when I called him at 4:15 a.m. "The device we put in will cause some discomfort." I in turn said "I can understand discomfort but my child is in AGONY! So, Mr. Mom headed back to the ER at 4:30 with my baby sobbing. I'm telling you, I could hardly stand it.
So, I prayed that God would comfort him and I waited.
They came back an hour and 1/2 later and no tube! YES! They removed it and cauterized the artery. Why did they not do this in the first place?? Why did they put my baby thru that kind of pain??
All I know is God answered my prayer for comfort.
Jake is feeling better, he's sleeping peacefully as I type this.

And yes, that's my 17 yr old boys pink blankie....please don't tell him I told you that!