Hi y'all!!! I'm still in my
jammies and have done not ONE thing today! Pitiful! I'm so behind on your blogs! I caught up on a few today but haven't made it to all of them yet. I'm trying!
I just want to say first of all that our Christmas Eve candle light service at church was beautiful and it snowed inside! I wish you all could have seen it!
Christmas day was wonderful and Merry! My kids got up at 5:00 am! Ugh! I know J set his alarm!!! He's
killin me! You are 17! I'm sure he did it for Moo or she talked him into it. But we slowly got up and went downstairs for gift giving. It was great! The kids were happy with everything they received. It was over in a matter of 40 minutes and you know what I did??? I went back to bed! I would have been worth NOTHING if I didn't get a teeny bit more sleep. Moo ended up sleeping with me and she didn't get up until 10:00am.
I cooked (
ok..Mr. Mom did it! But I bought it....) four lbs of bacon for my sister's big annual breakfast. We ate at 11:00 and it was FABULOUS! Thanks
Sheli!! The whole family was there including Grandparents. And the best part of the whole morning??? Brian, my BIL, read to all of us the Christmas story from the Bible. It was beautiful! Thanks Brian for taking the time to do that for us!
Then we got to watch their
grand kids and kids open more gifts. The smiles are the best on Christmas morning, aren't they???
We went home for a little while and than back to Dad's for dinner. We had the best ham ever, thanks Mr. Mom! Noodles, rolls, mashed taters, dressing....
yummo! The kids opened their gifts from Pop and we goofed of for a while,
cuz that's what we do best. Then headed home all tuckered out!
I got up yesterday, got the boxes from the attic and took down every sign of Christmas and put it all away. I know Bah Hum Bug! I'm just not a fan of seasonal decorating and it's in the way! And my house is clean.....downstairs....upstairs, not so much! I'll get to it!
I went to bed and dreamed of vampires..could it be my obsession with Edward???? I
dreamed that I was up in the trees and Alice and several others were around me...not sure where Edward was...how dare he leave my side! I had long hair past my
hiney and it was thick! Not sure why that popped in there and stuck in my head. Maybe because I wish for long luscious hair everyday! That's all I remember of the dream..to weird. I'm almost finished with the third book! I will finish it this weekend. I will....
I also Twittered in my dreams this week. I need a life.....
I have loads of pictures but I need to get them on
Flickr and then I will post them hopefully tomorrow. I can't wait to catch up on
everyone's Christmas and see pictures!
We had a wonderful time with family and friends this week and a very Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas too.
Side note: Does anyone have a
NuWave Infrared Cooker????
Love ya!