Do y'all get grossed out at public restrooms? Seriously! I really get totally over the top grossed out! I don't want to use them BUT I have this issue, when I have to go, I gotta GO! I used to be able to hold it for days but nope, not anymore. Maybe it's age? I don't know but I have to go at every stop and sometimes more than once while I'm there!
You would think that places like Kohl's, Target, etc. would have decent clean bathrooms! And don't even get me started on the bathrooms at Walmart! Downright filth! I went to Kohl's tonight with M. Of course we had to head straight to the restroom before we could do any shopping. I open one stall door, UGH, is all I can say. It was seriously gross. Open 2nd stall door...OH.MY.WORD...what happened in there???? Really? Not one person that works in this store has been in here to see what's happening in here?! Come on!!! I finally find a "decent" stall, try to hover and head for the sink to wash, when I really wanted to shower! Oh and aiming? Is it really that hard to clean up the rim if you miss? Turn around and peak before you leave the stall, if you dribble a little, grab some TP and wipe it up. This just totally boggles my mind!
Pure laziness at Kohl's...2 HUGE rolls of towels sitting right beside the sinks in water, getting wet! Why? Put them in the dispenser! I'm telling you...I was appalled and disgusted. And I avoid touching all door handles!
So, am I wrong? Do you use the restrooms in public places? Can you wait if you need to go?
Thank you for letting me throw this little rant out there. I'm still disgusted and I might make a phone call...I just might.....
Oh My Gosh! This is completely hysterical and something I have issues with. Besides Walmart bathroom, etc., one of the worst can be Barnes and Noble. Seriously. Those people feel they were hired to stock books, not clean bathrooms.
ReplyDeleteWe drive to TX from CA just about once a year. Interstate 40 and those truck stop bathrooms are appalling and, unfortunately, necessary. I refuse to change a diaper in there and would rather stand in the snow and do it (my poor baby).
Don't even get me started on port-a-potties.
By the way, I'm all for hovering when necessary, but I think sometimes people hover and have poor aim. That is so not cool. : )
ReplyDeleteOOOOOh this gets me too! Its a night to rant thats for sure!LOL! Of course, I know what you mean about not being able to wait like years past- but now I have got kiddo's that HAVE to try out every restroom that we come too- Gross! I pray the whole time- rebuking infections disease and naste! I have even had dreams that my kids got something horrible from using public restrooms- that is how much that gets me! oh and also- the hard earned spent money in these stores doesn't go toward restroom attendants- thats only for nightclubs!!=)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty good at holding in, but for the cases when I have to go right then or I don't want to go home and come back, then I head in and search for the cleanest stall and hover over and go as fast as I can!!
ReplyDeleteI was better at holding it before I had kids, but still can usually. I too am totally disgusted with public bathroom! But, having worked in retail it is often an overlooked area of the store only being cleaned at the end of the day. Did you complain while you were there? You should have!
ReplyDeleteOMW! I am right there with ya sista! I have real bladder issues so have to use them sometimes. In my old, cranky years.......I do not hesitate to complain about them to the supervisor;)
ReplyDeleteI hate public restrooms especially if they are dirty at a restaurant! I will tell the people...I am all about that!!! I can wait but can you guess who can't???
ReplyDelete-sandy toes
I am so grossed out by it, and yes, i can hold it for the most part...but then one of the 3 kids always has to go when we are out...tp the seat lift them up yell a bit about not touching anything. K man gets on the floor...I now want to throw up. Bathroom visits are a complete disaster, and I just want to put diapers on them when we shop. LOL I totally agree with you.
ReplyDeletei hate them. i ESPECIALLY hate them when my 2yr old daughter has to go. trying to hold her OVER the top of the potty is terrible. however, lysol has come out with this handy dandy little lysol to go and i keep it in her little backpack or my little purse so when we have to go i just spray the potty down and the door handles, ect! WORKS LIKE A CHARM!
ReplyDeleteWith the condition of so many public restrooms, i have to say I'm glad I'm a guy. Last Sunday i was traveling in Texas and stopped at a convenience store/gas station. The restroom was polished marble and as clean as i have ever seen a restroom. Now that was a surprise.
ReplyDeleteAn Arkie's Musings
the only thing grosser than using them, is having to take your 3 yr old in there to use them! a 3 yr old who doesn't understand the concept of DONT TOUCH ANYTHING!!!!!!!!
the only thing grosser than using them, is having to take your 3 yr old in there to use them! a 3 yr old who doesn't understand the concept of DONT TOUCH ANYTHING!!!!!!!!
Oh my word!! You hit it right on!! I would rather pee my pants than use a public restroom! However, that would require shopping for new ones and still having to go into the restroom to change. So, if I really need to go I do. But I don't touch anything with my bare hands. I can't stress that enough to my children.
ReplyDeleteYeah bathroom publicly should be banned! I arrange my shopping trips based on nice bathrooms. If I have the boys with me, I get this argument like I am a boy and I am going in and I always say...NO, I have NO idea what is in there so my 7 yr old still has to come into the womens' getting a little old for him I am sure...Where do you think staff infections come from! UGHHHHH....
ReplyDeleteOur Kohl's has the nicest cleanest bathroom I have ever been in. (nicer than some peoples home restroom, sad, but true)
ReplyDeleteI will wait to the last possible minute if I am out and have even left a store only to run home and then go back.
Public Restrooms = GROSS!!
Sorry about your experience.
ewww yup they totally skeeve me out! Target is the worst around here!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh that is wrong wrong wrong!! If and only if I have to go I try try try to hover and if El has to go then i make her hold it till I can wrap the seat in enough tp to keep her clean! Seriously. I'm a nut. I know.
ReplyDeleteOh My Gosh, You are too funny! I hate public bathrooms too, but since my surgery I have to go ALL.THE.TIME! Happy tinkling too you and I agree...tinkle on the seat, please wipe the seat!
ReplyDeleteyou are so funny and oh, so right!
ReplyDeleteI hate them too...disgusting! How do people get poo on the wall behind the toilet? I mean when I try to figure it out I am at a loss?! LOL!
ReplyDeleteoh girlfiend...I hear ya. I hear ya!
ReplyDeleteHey Sis! I know I'm late in commenting. Edward, you know? Anyway, I can hover, but the girls CAN'T so the whole time I am layering the seat and saying, "Don't touch ANYTHING". You're right on....it's disgusting!
ReplyDeleteYes, many public bathrooms are truly disgusting - including those in many retail establishments.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I want to point out the following:
* research studies have revealed that the toilet seat is actually the cleanest part of the bathroom after the sink (http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Health/story?id=1213831&page=1).
* women who hover or squat over a toilet seat risk the potential of urinary tract infections and compromised normal bladder functioning.
* assistive devices, such as funnels and cones, are available that allow a woman to stand while urinating.
For information information, please take a look at my new book, "Bathrooms Make Me Nervous" at www.bathroomsmakemenervous.com.
Carol Olmert
A few years back I saw a tv news program about germs and learned that the first stall in a public restroom is usually the cleanest.
ReplyDeleteOne of the dirtiest public places/things were those quarter candy dispensers. I don't let my kids touch them. I'm not really a germ-a-phobe, but sometimes I get pretty grossed out thinking about it. You do what you can.
this post was beautifully written! great job and yes SOO true! Wal-marts are the WORST! Well, the older ones. The new super ones have those automatic flushers and the sensered water, soap and dryers! They are NICE!
ReplyDeleteOk, I totally freak out in public restrooms. I use my shoes to hold the door and flush the toilet. I use paper towels to turn on and off the water faucets and to open the door.
ReplyDeleteIt just completely grosses me out and even more so when I am using the bathroom and I hear someone finish and then just walk out without washing their hands.......OMG and they touched the door handle!!!! UGH!!!
i have a bathroom phobia! I have a bladder of a marathon! I can hold it for days if I need to. I will walk into a bathroom and need to go but if it is too busy, or smells funny or just nasty. I will wait. I am sure it isnt good. but I have held it 16 hours, until I could find a suitable restroom.
ReplyDeleteIt appalls me of the women who do not WASH their hands!!! GROSS!
I say make that phone call. In fact, I have no problem going up to an employee and telling them their restroom needs some serious attention. I was SO impressed when I went to the Arizona Cardinals stadium Sunday, their restrooms were SO clean and they stayed that way the entire day (I should know because I frequent them so much). You're right, Walmarts are beyond nasty, Targets aren't much better. Have had 2 kids (1 being a 10 pounder w/ a huge head) I can't hold it either.
ReplyDeleteI have met my twin!! I am so grossed out in public bathrooms!! The smell.. I breath in my coat so it doesn't get in my lungs. The sink handle, I just washed my hands. How do I turn off the water?? I have towels ready for that, and to open the door! (i carry 3 bottles of sanitizer)