Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Thank You & a Late Wordless Wednesday Photo

First I want to say a big THANK YOU for all the kind words that you left for me regarding my friend Angie. You all are so kind and your comments really touched me. It's wonderful to know that so many people are praying for her family. Angie will truly be missed. And thank you for visiting Amy's blog and praying for her and her family. I know she appreciates every one of your comments.

Next I will leave you with my Wordless Wednesday photo - this is my Dad, again, just being himself. He got a new camera, I'm not even sure what to say but he kinda scares me somedays....


  1. Oh I bet he is the sweetest, funniest man ever!! What a cutie!! I bet you guys laugh alot when he's around!

  2. Oh Pop....what are you going to do with him? He always makes me smile. :) Ang

  3. LOL!! Oh, that looks like something my dad would do!

  4. That is so funny! Thanks for sharing such a cute photo!

  5. LOL, how funny! Ya gotta love it.

  6. Your dad is hysterical. I am cracking up!

  7. You are so very welcome for all the wishes, that's what friends are for.

    Your Dad is a total crack up!!!!!! I love that pic.

  8. so i need to know...becuase maybe i have been doing it wrong.. and i'm not being snarky, i'm wordless wednesday supposed to be a picture that leaves you without words, like as in unexplainable? or are you really just supposed to post a pic and no words? cause thats what i thought it was but you posted like 36 words here, but maybe i have been doing it wrong? i dont know who makes up the rules for this stuff anyway?!

    or maybe it falls under the 'its my blog and i'll do it how i want' category?! lol

  9. I am cracking up at this picture! I just love your dad and I don't even know him ;)

  10. Hey...that looks like my camera! He sure seems like a funny guy!

  11. Your dad has got to be one of the most funniest guys! Thats hilarious!

  12. I just gotta meet this man! LOVE IT!!!! AGAIN!

  13. What a funny pic! Your Dad sounds like a lot of fun :)

  14. Your Dad is hilarious! My Dad and your Dad should get together...wait no they should not get togther! =>

  15. Keli, you dad looks like he is a hoot! how funny is that!

  16. That shot of you dad... priceless! :)

  17. That is the cutest/funniest pic ever. What a cute dad!

  18. seriously your dad is hilarious!!!


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